Rule of St Benedict: reflections

On the Fact That the Full Observance of Justice

Is Not Established in This Rule 

May 1 

Now, we have written this Rule in order that by its observance in monasteries we may show that we have attained some degree of virtue and the rudiments of the religious life.

But for him who would hasten to the perfection of that life there are the teachings of the holy Fathers, the observance of which leads a man to the height of perfection.  For what page or what utterance of the divinely inspired books of the Old and New Testaments is not a most unerring rule for human life?  Or what book of the holy Catholic Fathers does not loudly proclaim how we may come by a straight course to our Creator?  Then the Conferences and the Institutes and the Lives of the Fathers, as also the Rule of our holy Father Basil — what else are they but tools of virtue for right-living and obedient monks?  But for us who are lazy and ill-living and negligent they are a source of shame and confusion.

Whoever you are, therefore, who are hastening to the heavenly homeland, fulfil with the help of Christ this minimum Rule which we have written for beginners; and then at length under God’s protection you will attain to the loftier heights of doctrine and virtue which we have mentioned above. 


Like the monks, we are beginners in the school of the Rule, and we all need to begin again each day of our life here on earth.  Thus we constantly have to try to be humble, recognising our weakness.  We are pilgrims here in the world because we are born of God and we belong to Him.

To follow the Rule today means following the path of holiness along with a multitude of men and women who have also chosen Saint Benedict as their master.  He will lead us to ‘the heights of doctrine and virtue’ and Christ Jesus Himself will always be our companion.  Amen.