26th February: with Lent in mind, the Chapter Talk page features a conference on the poem The Dream of the Rood. 26th February, the Read More page has an article for Ash Wednesday but also prepares us for Lent with the theme of wholeness of spirit. 2nd November, All Soul’s Day: The Chant Comment page has […]
How the Monks Are to Sleep Feb. 27 Let each one sleep in a separate bed. Let them receive bedding suitable to their manner of life, according to the Abbot’s directions. If possible, let all sleep in one place; but if the number does not allow this, let them take their rest by tens […]
I have written these reflections to help oblates, both those who are just beginning and also those who are continuing to follow the instructions of our Holy Father Saint Benedict. There will perhaps be some people who will find these reflections filled with repetition and too simplistic. But one might reply that we repeat many […]
This is on the Abbey organ and is full of the joy of this Liturgical season.
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