The monastic timetable is part of the way we live a balanced life. It is made up of the three elements laid down by St Benedict: prayer, lectio divina (the slow, prayerful reading of Scripture and other books) and manual work. These three elements interpenetrate and mutually enrich each other, making our whole life a prayer and leading to a wholeness of being.
4:45 Rise
Half an hour of private prayer follows Vigils; Angelus then rung as bell for Lauds
Breakfast (c. 7.35-7.50)
Lectio Divina
9:30 MASS with TERCE
Novitiate: lesson then work
Community: work
12:43 Angelus
12:50 SEXT
Washing up/vegetable preparation
2:40 NONE
Novitiate: Office preparation, work, study
Community: work
4:45 Tea
Lesson and/or lectio
6:20 Private prayer then Angelus
6.55 Supper
Washing up
8:00 COMPLINE followed by the Great Silence
Lectio Divina
9:20 Curfew
Read more about our daily life and work in the Frequently Asked Questions section on the Vocation page.
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